3 Steps to Uncover your Polymath DNA

In "Forget about being T-shaped: You’re a star!" we talked about how to use your multi-potentialities to help you pivot your career path. Now that the times are changing, especially in the creative economy, it is important to foster diversity within your skills and capabilities.

How multi-faceted you are depends on how you see yourself. Being aware of many skills you possess gives you the opportunity to harness/cultivate those that will keep you relevant to the current hectic job market. Are you developing only those skills that relate to your job? Or are you nurturing other abilities, even though you still haven’t found a value or outlet for them?

These three steps will help you find those skills and capabilities that you possess. Once you’ve identified them, you can get to work and work on those you will like to see grow.


Broaden your thinking: what are your strengths and weaknesses?

First list out all of the skills and abilities you are good at. Consider all your capabilities, all that you do in your personal life, social life and your daily routines. Don't just consider what you do at work.

Which of those do you love doing vs hate?

You may love doing something you’re not good at. At least not yet. Or you might dislike something you excel at. It’s good to take stock of all of these things to know what is in your arsenal of skills.

Dig deeper.

  • Make sure you are looking at yourself in all aspects of your life especially outside of work.
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses in your social world, family and personally in addition to the workspace?
  • Can you calculate your taxes in your head or are you the mediator within your circle of friends?
  • Is there something you want to do but are afraid to try?

Finally map out your skills and capabilities from the ones that you’d rather cultivate to the ones you don’t care about seeing grow. Now you can start working on those you’d like to cultivate and start uncovering your polymath! 

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