Integrating Innovation Step 4

This past November, Angela Yeh, Founder and CEO of Yeh IDeology, took part in DMI’s Web Conversations, geared towards organizations and business owners, management and hiring managers with the specific topic challenge: "How to Build Innovation into Your Organization”   In this series, we’ll be revisiting Angela’s talk, “Integrating Innovation,” while highlighting excerpts, thoughts from the talk, and delving further as we go into each of Angela’s 7 best tips for innovation success and 3 major pitfalls to avoid.

Shall we continue?

Integrating Innovation. Step #4: Agents of Change. Identifying Key Players, Designating Leaders. Step 4 Image

During a recent client project, we realized that the team needed additional creative leads – external contractors – to supplement the existing team and to build more innovation. When we recognize key players, we not only consider typical departments (the C-Suite, Marketing, Design, R&D, Product Development, Division Management, etc.) but also outside contractors as part of the process. Establishing the “What & Where” and “How much” to integrate innovation, and awareness amongst stakeholders are as critical as this next step: a) identifying key players, and b) designating leaders.

Identifying Key Players The earlier example is a common – often crippling – issue that we frequently discover as we delve deeper into the conversations with our clients; despite their long track record of developing great programs, they were not effectively connecting with other divisions and managers. Too often, we hear innovation leaders blame their supervisors as the reason they can’t effect change. If this sounds familiar, you need to realize that these individuals could be most crucial to the entire initiative’s success, and how you communicate your values across, to your superiors and juniors, is just as important. There are consequences when stakeholders are unable to communicate and/or understand the impact and value that this kind of innovation can potentially benefit at large.

Do your company a favor and evaluate your organizational structure. List all the different departments and key players. Always keep it handy as open communication channels and collaboration are important, and you’re going to need their support throughout. It is imperative that you bring all these different parties to the table and keep them there, engaged, every step of the way.

Designating Leaders So how do you achieve this? Whose responsibility is it to keep everyone onboard and updated?

We see a lot of individuals who believe innovation is aligned with some kind of formal education and background in their particular industry. This misunderstanding is a major oversight with impediments, especially as companies look to new hires or external consultants. Being qualified as a key player is about their awareness of innovation value. What makes someone a change agent is their ability to understand company culture, and how to challenge, communicate, and deliver innovation change to an organization with cross-functional teams.

Revisit your initial list of departments and key players. Does this list include you? Where are you in the pecking order? Who else is up and down the chain of command? Not finding sufficient leaders in your existing org tree? Do you need additional reinforcements outside?

Let’s keep at it: determine the relevant departments. Identify agile, willing, capable team members. Emphasize ownership and independence, as this initiative will likely not supersede existing duties – at least not in the beginning. Take notes on potential obstacles as well, particularly your own managers.

Change agents are creative and optimistic. They think outside the box – they deeply understand their company’s process and objectives, yet realize the value in stepping away from the day-to-day process and examining the structure with one question: “Is this working?” The differentiator between good managers and change agents is not just their investment in innovation but their ability to teach it’s values. On any change agent’s top objectives should be educating the superiors until they are most versed on the topic.

This kind of change – monumental or incremental – can be a real paradigm shift and does not come easy. Organizations have to change their incentive plan to allow members of the company to really think and push the envelop. If it’s not given, which is typically the case for most companies, those who take time out of their day to fit this in are your change agents – they deserve the added investment.

Next on our blog series: Step #5: Investing in Innovation: Time & Materials.

Interested in this topic or others we've been speaking about? Want to hear directly from Angela Yeh and her 15+ years of design recruiting experience? Drop us a line at

Integrating Innovation Step 3

This past November, Angela Yeh, Founder and CEO of Yeh IDeology, took part in DMI’s Web Conversations, geared towards organizations and business owners, management and hiring managers with the specific topic challenge: "How to Build Innovation into Your Organization”   In this series, we’ll be revisiting Angela’s talk, “Integrating Innovation,” while highlighting excerpts, thoughts from the talk, and delving further as we go into each of Angela’s 7 best tips for innovation success and 3 major pitfalls to avoid.

Shall we continue?

INTEGRATING INNOVATION Step #3: Awareness of Innovation. Establishing the Baseline Amongst Your Stakeholders.


The last two blogs focused on identifying the types of innovation best-suited to your organization and the challenges at hand, and the appropriate scale of this initiative. The “What” and “Where” and “How much” of integrating innovation.

At this stage, it can be very tempting to just go and get started – avoid this temptation. Before you go doling out tasks, it’s important to identify your stakeholders – who they are and where they stand in respect to innovative change. This will likely identify potential challenges and/or quick wins. Begin by asking: Who is aware of innovation or disruption occurring in your space and other related industries? It doesn’t matter what role you play or where you sit within the hierarchy, you need to assess those around you. It’s about education – understanding those above you, below you, at your level and across all departments – who they are, what they do.

Of this group, to what degree are they aware of innovation?  How much do they already know? Are your stakeholders starting from scratch, somewhere in the middle, or ahead of the pack? Take copious notes – this is where you’ll begin to see gaps, key advantages and critical relationships to leverage down the line, as well as discover potential challenges and/or quick wins that all feed into your overall strategy. Keep digging. Given the initiative, how much more education will your stakeholders need in order to contribute? For that matter, ask yourself whether you’re part of this group, and how much education will you need to participate.

Remember this: Your capacity to understand innovation affects your potential to achieve it. The point here is to pause and take stock. Determining who and what you have to work with helps establish your starting point, your baseline, and your strategy going forward.

Next on our blog series: Step #4: Agents of Change. Identifying Evangelists, Designating Leaders.

Interested in this topic or others we've been speaking about? Want to hear directly from Angela Yeh and her 15+ years of design recruiting experience? Drop us a line at

Integrating Innovation Step 2

This past November, Angela Yeh, Founder and CEO of Yeh IDeology, took part in DMI’s Web Conversations, geared towards organizations and business owners, management and hiring managers with the specific topic challenge: "How to Build Innovation into Your Organization”   In this series, we’ll be revisiting Angela’s talk, “Integrating Innovation,” while highlighting excerpts, thoughts from the talk, and delving further as we go into each of Angela’s 7 best tips for innovation success and 3 major pitfalls to avoid.

Shall we continue?

INTEGRATING INNOVATION Step #2: Scaling Innovation. Incremental or Monumental.


Last week’s blog focused on identifying the types of innovation best suited to your organization and the challenges at hand. Call it the “What” and “Where.” Which brings us to “How much?”

So you’ve identified the change you want – but what amount do you need? To what extent are you even capable of now in the near-term, and going forward with the right resources and investment? We’ll discuss the latter in Step 5, but for now, let’s focus on another essential part of the Discovery phase: Scale.

Clients often come to us and say: “It’s time for us to build an innovation center.” We hear this a lot. But for what purpose? Let me say that in every organization, there are multiple initiatives that have to be invested in. Some of them will be incremental, and some will be monumental and some will be low hanging fruit, and some will require a great deal of investment, and a lot more collaborators brought in to really make that initiative successful. It’s important to look at your organization first. If you can afford to build an “innovation center” outright, then so be it; that’s incredible. But in reality, the majority of businesses out there do not understand the amount of investment that this actually takes, and rarely are they set up to effectively execute this kind of monumental shift.

Pamela Decesare, DMI board member sums up the inherent challenges nicely: for most businesses, there’s “distribution channels, there’s methods, processes, and things they have in place to run the business as it is… How do they figure out how big a shift they need to make? How do they know what [kind of shift] they’re even willing to make?” More often than not, the changes you’re able to make initially towards innovation will be incremental.

So where do you begin? How do you assess and decide amongst the various priorities that exist if you cannot afford to build an entire innovation center? In most businesses, there is an existing structure in place, which can be complex to look at (and difficult to change), but there is a solution to this. It’s about being more analytical about your process and system, before you go ahead. I heard this term applied recently to this phase of a project – taking a diagnostic. A lean team has to look at the big picture; think of the strategy for their organization and brand / cross-brand; be mindful, and even champion, the challenges and goals of the various divisions (regardless of your team’s home base); and delve into the various sectors of the business, whether structural to the entire firm or specific to particular product categories. You have to list and, kind of, profile each challenge, and then collectively decide which of them to hit first.

This list, analysis, and resulting prioritization is the crux of this phase. Use this initial diagnostic – of both your department and company as a whole – to establish the foundation for determining your scale.

Next on our blog series: Step #3: Awareness of Innovation. Establishing the Baseline Amongst Your Stakeholders.

Interested in this topic or others we've been speaking about? Want to hear directly from Angela Yeh and her 15+ years of design recruiting experience? Drop us a line at

Integrating Innovation

As we barrel into the holiday season, one word on every business’ wishlist seems to be “innovation.” This past month, Angela Yeh, Founder and CEO of Yeh IDeology, took part in DMI’s Web Conversations, sharing her 7 best tips for innovation success and 3 major pitfalls to avoid. This week and in those to follow, we’ll be revisiting Angela’s talk in our blog series, “Integrating Innovation,” while highlighting excerpts, thoughts from the talk, and delving further into each as we go.

Shall we begin?

Step #1: Defining Innovation. What and Where Change is Right for You.

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Innovation means change. Pamela Decesare, member of the Board of Directors at DMI, said it aptly: “There is no doubt that companies today are quickly realizing that innovation is not an agenda item for an off-site meeting, or a serendipitous occurrence, but rather something that requires long-term goals, focused planning, internal and external examination, and ultimately, investment, to be meaningful and effective.

Let's step back and talk about what we see going on right now – in design strategy and the overall “umbrella” of, call it, innovation space, we’re seeing thousands of individuals, today, migrating to the vertical sector of design, strategy, and innovation.

The disconnect that we’re noticing, however, is that on one hand, there are many individuals building immense design capability, while on the other, from a business perspective, organizations observing this trend are frantically asking, “How do I capture this innovation and build it into the business? What method is best for me?”

With more than 15 years of working with diverse organizations, from major corporations and top consultancies, to startups and small agencies, one thing we can reaffirm again and again, is that there are many different ways to build innovation. There is no one-size fits all, universal solution. The “not-so-simple” fact is that innovation must be customized case by case.

What kind of change do you want? What kind of change do you need?

One of the most important aspects of innovation is what we call Discovery. In this early phase, discovery is a way to begin the conversation – not for solutions – to open a dialogue that will inform and constrain the rest of the initiative going forward.

In the Discovery phase, you and everyone involved should begin by asking: Where is your company today? This is where you take stock, a dip test for the current state of things which serves as your baseline to work from. An annual report is a good starting point.

Next, ask yourself: Where do you want to go? What are the 1, 2, 5 and 10-year goals for your company? Keep the bar high, as there will be plenty of opportunities to dive into the details later. With higher targets in mind, the further you can reach. Identify aspects that are working well within your company, and those conducive towards your goals. And equally important, diagnose ones that are not working well.

Being able to construct questions that help gain valuable insights is a challenge, but a first step closer to your goal! Stay tuned for step two to Integrating Innovation...

Next on our blog series: Step #2: Scaling Innovation. Incremental or Monumental

Interested in this topic or others we've been speaking about? Want to hear directly from Angela Yeh and her 15+ years of design recruiting experience? Drop us a line at


Yeh of a Day

Brainstorming in Session 20140627_104047Process Mapping Yeh IDeology’s Strategy & Methodology while borrowing ideas from “The Service Startup: Design gets Lean” by Tenny Pinheiro. Of course, we can’t do this without Nico.

For 364 days a year, we devote our time and energy to our clients, our candidates and the science of matching talent with culture. One day a year is purely devoted to Yeh IDeology’s “Day at the Beach”.

At Yeh IDeology, our philosophy is to design healthy, sustainable relationships and build mutually prolific partnerships and teams. Since much of our focus is forging alliances for others, we sometimes forget to return ourselves the favour and bypass our own internal development.

As summer is in full swing, so is Yeh IDeology. We are in an exciting state of growth and ready to ramp up to the next step. To celebrate this, our President & CEO, Angela Yeh, invited all of us to a “Yeh of a day” on the beach.

A beach day might not sound as productive as it does, but experience tells us the fundamental building blocks of an innovative organisation are first and foremost the people that make up the organisation and company culture.

Lunch Meeting 3 MH _ OT learning to surf Learning from Marty Neumeier’s “ZAG” and learning how to surf - what’s a better compliment than the two?

So, what exactly does the Yeh IDeology do on the shore of Long Beach? The first 6 hours is dedicated to brainstorming and process mapping -- this includes dragging our flip-charts to the local mexican restaurant to work through lunch, whilst providing the other diners a complementary design strategy workshop.

After a few tacos and some intrigued faces, it’s time for some fun in the sun! But even our fun time is productive, as Angela gets back into mentoring mode and shares with us her surf skills. There were balancing acts and big splashes, sand castles and Sangria, followed by giant bubbles that brought neighbors out onto the street for an amazing time.

Kids Playing w- Jumbo Bubbles Can’t have beach day without gigantic bubbles… Want the secret sauce? Wait till you hear it from Angela…

It was an educational, collaborative, and all around enjoyable experience where work and play came together. This is why we believe that an environment based on trust and shared values can unite people, where we can collectively bridge ideas and build a foundation that welcomes innovation with integrity and the aptitude to accept, learn and rise from failures, together.

Until our next trip on the LIRR, it’s back to focusing on our clients, candidates and culture, refreshed with lessons learned from a Yeh Beach Day.

The Language of Business Through Play

Here at Yeh IDeology, we believe that in order for a designer to play a successful, pivotal role within a company she/he must be multilingual. What do we mean by this? Well, if a designer is to communicate with multiple departments, such as marketing, product development, engineering, finance, of a given company then they need to understand and be empathetic to the terminology, ways of thinking, objectives, priorities and general culture of those departments. the more considerate a designer is of the needs of other divisions they collaborate with the more successful their own design work and to some degree the more essential they become to an organization. Those that are able to be multilingual and the conduit to various divisions the more essential they become. This also happens to be a key ability of leadership and management roles. Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 10.46.01 AM Mastering the Language of Business: From Babble to Clarity - DMI Web Conversation.

We think that the recent DMI Web Conversation entitled Mastering the Language of Business: From Babble to Clarity, highlights our view on the need for innovative ways of exploring the language of business. Pam DeCesare spoke with Dieter Reuther and Donna Denio about a playful solution to miscommunication within business: LEGO Serious Play. This childhood construction toy is used as a "tool to help improve communication" and produce creative metaphors of scenarios in an organization that facilitate team workshops.

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Mastering the Language of Business: From Babble to Clarity - DMI Web Conversation.


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Mastering the Language of Business: From Babble to Clarity - DMI Web Conversation.

The applications provide a familiar foundation for team members to express their ideas and pose questions in a way that is non intrusive and accommodating of company culture.

"Into Design" at the 2014 Core77 Conference

What does it mean to be taken “into design,” its process and challenges? The first annual Core77 Conference, held on June 19, investigated this question, and more, under the topic for 2014: Object Culture, and Yeh IDeology was there to witness an unfolding of ideas. It also played host to the Core77 2014 Design Awards where the winners of the Consumer Products and Interiors & Exhibitions categories were announced. The day featured an impressive gathering of speakers who discussed the processes behind their work, being a designer in the present day as well as the value of the modern object. 20140619_100337

Jordan Brandt - Technology Futurist, Autodesk, San Francisco, CA.

Technology Futurist, Jordan Brandt, in his talk on “How do we teach our machines to Design?”, said that “the world is just asking for design.” There are a multitude of situations in our everyday lives that require designed solutions so how then do designers practice within the field to achieve this?


Heather Flemming - CEO, Catapult Design, New York, NY.

For some practitioners, like Heather Flemming, CEO of Catapult Design, it comes down to designers participating and sharing their skills within global development. Her belief was that “It's a rich formidable time for designers to engage in social challenges.”


Carla Diana - Designer, Writer, Educator, New York, NY.

And what about the designed object? What meaning does it hold and how do we improve on it? Carla Diana, explored this in her presentation “Bringing Meaning to Objects Through Storytelling” where she used narrative to express the capabilities of 3D printing to our younger generation of future designers. “We should be taking what exists in the world and applying emotions to relate with it… stories are reality + emotion.”

By the end of the day, the conference in itself was a narrative of design: piecing together water filtering pools, bike culture and wearable technology to illustrate the vast space that design occupies in our innovation driven world.

Here are more of our highlights:

"It's about giving people access [to bikes]" to raise awareness and change cultural behavior and mindset - Ethan Frier, Cult of Bike.

"If you only aim for perfection and skip the process, you won't go anywhere" - Michael DiTullo, Design in the C-Suite.

"We cannot build new systems on old models" - Marta Salas-Porras, Neomaterialism.

"Designers should think about the unintended consequences of their work, the environmental, and just as important, social impact" - Colin McSwiggen, Design and Work.

Angela Yeh Joins Alumni Innovators in Pratt Institute's Design by Differentiate Issue No.3

Innovation within business and design can no longer exist separately as the two continue to cross-pollinate globally. The majority of people speak of design and innovation like loose pages in a book; this book itself is dense, but informative, and a quick glance doesn't do it justice. You skim the surface, yet miss the juicy core… In Pratt Institute’s third issue of Differentiate by Design, Angela Yeh joins other Pratt alumni to share their insights to today’s ever-dynamic creative economy and discuss how innovation is a key player for tomorrow’s industry.

Angela applied her Pratt education and previous professional experiences to building a new innovative business model for recruiting, that is, Yeh IDeology. At Yeh ID, we design relationships. Our philosophy is creating deep connections with people that will help us make the perfect match with talent and culture. "We focus a great deal on strategy; we’re like a McKinsey for [design, strategy and innovation]. That is why being multilingual, in the business sense, is so important.” Read more in Different by Design.

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You in UX Summit Raffle!

Dear friends of Yeh IDeology, We are raffling off a free ticket (worth $495) to our Yeh ID community! Winner receives full access to the global UX Summit with You in UX this May. You in UX is an online, virtual summit with an incredible line up of top UX mentors from around the world. Take a look at their program agenda.

Please click here to access the raffle.

Entries must be submitted by May 1st.

Good luck!


The Future of Design Work | Yeh & SVA

Recently at New York’s School of Visual Arts (SVA), Angela Yeh sat with Allan Chochinov, their chair and co-founder of MFA Products of Design and Angie Wojak, director of career development to discuss The Future of Design Work. In today’s ever-complex world of business and design, professionals need to understand where design opportunities lie, how to navigate the market and realize the hidden talent brewing right beneath their skin. While this seems obvious, what we have discovered is opposite to this sort of thinking...

Read here for The Future of Design Work in SVA's Hire Edition.

* This article is currently only available in print. To read more issues from SVA's bi-annual Visual Arts Journal, visit here.


Angela with You in UX | Global UX Summit

Do you ever wonder what it takes to explore new territory? Do you want to lead the next generation of UX pioneers? If so, join us at You in UX Summit this May to gain invaluable career insight with some of the best UX mentors around the world. Angela of Yeh IDeology will be speaking at You in UX Summit on May 7th at 3pm PST. You in UX is an online, global summit with an extensive three-week lineup that includes speakers from top UX executives, CEOs and presidents from companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Yahoo!, BlackBerry, SlideShare and more. You in UX grants you global access to more than 30 customizable sessions. This is your opportunity to ask questions for world-class UX role models and mentors.

For the program lineup, please view the link here.

Be inspired and cultivate your talent. Join us at You in UX.


IDSA 4th Annual Design Summit Review

DesignSummit14 In partnership with IDSA NYC, Yeh IDeology hosted the 4th annual Design Summit on February 27th. This year’s design summit featured a panel of cross-disciplinary design leaders including Erica Eden (Founder of Femme Den and Global Director of Design Innovation of PepsiCo), Rich Thrush (Director of Kaz Incorporated), Mei Mah (Deputy Director of Education at Cooper Hewitt), Dan Grossman (Deputy Design Directory of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia).

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Photo from Paige Mullis at Glen Raven

Our theme of Making It Real was rooted in understanding design as an ever-expanding discipline that is actively shifting both creative and business cultures. We questioned the role of design in today’s complex business landscape? How do different design fields cross-pollinate? How will this shape the future of design? Are these trends here to stay or go?

Dan Grossman shares with us a similar frustration with “all these different levels of design [and having] to label it was always confusing.

In response, Erica Eden reveals the downfall of design that is this competition between different design disciplines, “I don’t like this competition between Interaction and Industrial Design. Interaction comes from Industrial Design. We all do the same thing [that is] solving a problem.

The challenge for designers is to know everything and be good at it. Rich Thrush explains that designers must grasp the fundamentals of design (i.e. traditional ID skills) and also “know [their] superpower.

Eden’s advice, “be shameless” and take risks exploring and discovering. When you know your super power, hold onto it and remember to design to solve the problem.

Share with us your thoughts!

More photos by Glen Raven

4th Annual Design Summit


IDSA NY presents our fourth annual Design Summit in partnership with Yeh IDeology. This year's theme is ID Fundamentals: Making It Real. We've assembled a panel of cross-disciplinary design leaders to explore the challenges of going from concept to commercialization and what design education does to help (and sometime hinder) that process.

This event was made possible by the generosity of TRIVANTAGE as part of their ongoing Innovation Town Hall series.

Please join us at 6 PM for refreshments and networking. The Panel starts promptly at 7 PM.

Thursday, Feb. 27th | Pod 39, 95 145 E 39th St., New York City | Get tickets








Erica Eden | Founder, Femme Den; Director of Innovation, PepsiCo

Erica bridges design and strategy, specializing in uncovering deep desires and delivering on real needs for the elusive and influential female consumer. Erica’s curiosity is about what to make, why it matters and how to connect to the women’s market. Through her work in diverse fields including housewares, health & wellness, automotive, and consumer packaged goods, she sees each design challenge through the eyes of the consumer and pioneers new methodologies that close the gap between design trends and real women. Through her work with Femme Den, she redraws the boundaries of design expertise, expanding the need to understand people to include subtleties of gender and beyond. Erica is now the Director of Design Innovation at PepsiCo's Design Center.

Erica’s work has been featured by The New York Times, World News Tonight on ABC and various design publications including I.D. Magazine, Elle Décor and Blueprint. The Femme Den is recognized as a “Master of Design” in Fast Company’s annual design issue.








Rich Thrush | Director, Industrial Design + Innovation, Kaz Incorporated

Rich is a proven industrial design leader adept at utilizing consumer research, analysis, design and innovation skills for the identification, conceptualization and design of consumer product. His diverse history includes working with tech products such as mobile devices (Motorola) to toys (Hasbro). Kaz Inc., manufactures consumer goods under the brands Pur, Braun, Vicks, Honeywell and many others.

He is passionate about problem solving, design thinking and delivering solutions that make an impact on the market and in people's lives resulting in hundreds of patents and design awards. Rich’s focus is on elegantly designed innovative products and experiences with simple stories based on strong consumers insights to delight consumers.








Mei Mah | Deputy Director of Education, Cooper Hewitt, National Design Museum

Mei Mah has over twenty years of experience in program design and development, strategic initiatives, and collaborations around design and education. In her current role she is responsible for conveying the mission of Cooper-Hewitt and the importance of design in everyday life through education programs intended to serve a wide range of audiences including teachers, students, professional designers, scholars, and the general public.

In addition to leading the prestigious National Design Awards initiative, she has developed learning experiences for over seventy exhibitions, showcasing the Museum’s extensive collection and exploring contemporary design issues.








Dan Grossman | Deputy Design Director, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Dan oversees the design and development of a broad range of products and innovative retail solutions at partners like Macy's, PetSmart and the Home Depot. His responsibilities span product design, project and vendor management, brand development and trend analysis. Prior to this Dan had the opportunity to work for various companies, as well as lead design teams and projects with non-profit design organizations such as Project H Design and Project Breaker. He holds numerous patents and awards and has had his work featured at the Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum.








Angela Yeh | Founder, Yeh IDeology Panel Moderator

Angela is president & founder of Yeh IDeology LLC, the leading Design & Strategy recruitment firm in the United States. YehID has collaborated with major corporations and top design consultancies across the US and internationally to build creative teams.

Angela has specialized in recruiting for creative talent for over 15 years. She's been an active IDSA member and sat on the IDSA Board of Directors.

Angela taught career strategies at Parsons The New School for Design and has lectured at numerous engagements, including: IDSA National and District Conferences, Design Management Institute Annual Conferences, Lextant Design Forty Webinars, and numerous universities.

Angela holds a BA in psychology from the University of Bridgeport, and honed her keen eye for design at Pratt Institute’s Masters program in Industrial Design.



 6:00 PM - Doors Open; Refreshments Available 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Panel Discussion and Q&A 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Socializing & TRIVANTAGE Display Browsing

Get your ticket

Personal Development & Career Growth in 2014

Image Source: Here at Yeh ID, we hope you’ve have gotten off to a healthy, happy and productive start to the New Year. In 2014, we look forward to doing what we do best; helping companies grow, become agile, and thrive, while also helping people reach the next stage in their careers.

In an effort to expand our impact, we’ve set a resolution for ourselves. We’re striving to provide valuable insights to our online community through social media and our blog, on both personal development and career growth topics that matter most to you.

So we want to hear from you: What are your professional aspirations for 2014? Are you looking to build a thriving design team? Focus on your own personal development? Identify your next ideal career path? At the bottom of this article you’ll find a submission form that’ll allow you to share with us what matters to you most.

**An added bonus for all those of you who submit, you will be entered into a draw to win a complimentary 60 minute consultation with Yeh ID’s founder Angela Yeh! One winner will be chosen on February 5th, and informed via email**

Through Angela’s extensive years of experience in recruiting and design, she’s developed a refined eye and intuitive expertise about the nature of careers and career paths, building design teams and investing in talent. This 60 minute career consultation can be valuable to hiring managers, business owners, professionals at all stages in their career, even those of you who are not actively job seeking.

Offering this complimentary consultation is just another way we hope to help you bring all of your professional growth aspirations to fruition in 2014. Best Wishes!